*** And in the face of this, Muslim agents protect everyone else just the same because of their Islam even against the accusations of traitor from their community. This is the kinda thanks we get. I guess some really do think they can fight this fight without us. Let me know how that works out for everyone. MS ***
FROM: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/5373958/West-Yorkshire-Police-accused-of-racism.html
West Yorkshire Police has launched an inquiry into its disciplinary procedures after a series of accusations from the leaders of local branches of the Police Federation and the Black Police Association.
Terrorism experts warned last night that the infighting could damage the force's vital role in combating Islamist extremism.
The claims of racism, set out in a dossier leaked to The Sunday Telegraph, could impact on West Yorkshire's ability to recruit black and Asian officers, thus affecting its ability to track and infiltrate al-Qaeda-linked terror cells.
Most of the cases in the dossier centre on the force's Professional Standards Department (PSD), which investigates other officers within the force.
They include examples of ethnic officers being treated more harshly than white officers facing identical disciplinary allegations.
In one case, a Muslim officer who was fasting during Ramadan was allegedly asked to fetch a "bacon buttie" for a senior officer.
In another case, an ethnic minority officer claims he was called a "terrorist" by a senior officer because he was carrying a rucksack.
The dossier also includes allegations of evidence being fabricated against black and Asian officers, claims of bullying and suggestions that the PSD deploys "oppressive interviewing tactics" when questioning ethnic minority officers about alleged misdemeanours.
Anita Patel of the West Yorkshire Black Police Association and Peter Scott, secretary of the West Yorkshire Police Federation, have written to Deputy Chief Constable David Crompton asking him to launch an investigation into whether ethnic officers are being "disproportionately subjected to disciplinary procedures".
The letter said: "Many of our black and minority officers and staff believe the PSD has a real lack of community and cultural understanding and tend to stereotype officers and staff and their families from ethnic backgrounds.
"It is clear from speaking one-to-one with individuals that the message being delivered into their communities is one of distrust and the police being an institutionally racist organisation."
The letter warns that the situation could lead to "civil unrest" in ethnic minority communities.
It adds: "These cases are not isolated and we are aware of other black and minority ethnic staff and officers within the organisation that are being investigated disproportionately."
Three of the July 7 bombers lived in West Yorkshire, and the local force now runs one of three regional Counter-Terrorism Units, working alongside MI5 to gather intelligence on Muslim terror groups and other extremists.
West Yorkshire is the second major force to be tarnished by a row with its own minority officers.
Infighting within the Metropolitan Police last year led to Britain's most senior Muslim officer, Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur, leaving the force with a £300,000 pay-out in return for dropping a race and age discrimination claim he brought against Commissioner Sir Ian Blair.
Last October the Met branch of the Black Police Association called on ethnic minority applicants to boycott the force because of what it described as a "hostile and racist" environment.
Concerns from West Yorkshire's officers appear to have wider backing than the London campaign, which did not enjoy official support from the local Police Federation branch.
Professor Paul Rogers, a terrorism expert from Bradford University, said: "West Yorkshire is hugely significant in counter-terrorism terms.
"It is one of the key forces outside London, particularly in terms of its ethnic mix and also because of the units which are based there."
Garry Hindle, head of security and counter-terrorism at the Royal United Services Institute, said: "If there is a climate of racism in West Yorkshire Police that is going to be a problem because it will hold back their ability from a counter-terrorism perspective.
"It may damage the way the force can recruit and retain people from ethnic minorities."
Mr Crompton, West Yorkshire deputy chief constable, said: "The concerns that were brought to my attention have caused me to review each of the cases that feature in the correspondence. I have also commissioned a wider analysis of disciplinary outcomes.
"I am satisfied, at this stage, that the force is acting entirely appropriately in each of the investigations. Nevertheless, the wider review is still in progress and involves the staff associations. The findings of this review will be reported to the police authority who monitor discipline and litigation."
He added: "It is disappointing to learn that correspondence between a staff association and the force has been leaked in this way."
Friday, June 11, 2010
Labels: policing, intelligence, counter terrorism
bigots with badges,
homegrown terrorism UK,
muslim agents counter terrorism,
muslim agents racism,
muslim police officer racism,
police accountability,
police racism,
west yorkshire