Tuesday, February 16, 2010


*** Mischief? Terrorism uses fear and threats of violence and death. Calling in a false bomb threat, which not only forces the evacuation of a building but scares the crap outta people is certainly not simple mischief - it is terrorism. MS ***

FROM: http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Crime/2010/02/16/12899226-qmi.html

TORONTO -- A Kitchener, Ont., man faces mischief charges after police say a disgruntled employee who had recently been fired from his job called in a bomb threat.

A man first called Waterloo police Friday night to say he had placed six pipe bombs in the building of his former employer, Polycon Industries in Guelph.

In a second call to Guelph police, the man said the bombs were going to go off at 10 p.m. and then hung up the phone.

Guelph police evacuated the auto parts manufacturer's building and searched the premises, but didn't locate any bombs.

Police searched the area where the second call was made and arrested a man.

Walter Haydl, 51, of Kitchener was charged with mischief.